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The Dietmar Althoff Foundation Awards… latest update 090218

To this date, the following players have received the Dietmar Althoff Foundation Awards:

Dietmar Althoff Platinum Medal:

Ramiro Maextu (week 3) NEW


Dietmar Althoff Silver Medal:

Big George Coghill, Legion (week 1)

Juqua Parker, Vikings (week 2)

David Brown, Vikings (week 3)

Siffridus Draken, Grizzlies (week 3) NEW


Dietmar Althoff Bronze Medal:

Chance Warmack, Razorbacks (week 1)

Jimmy Nails, Bruisers (week 1)

Reggie Mathis, Classics (week 1)

Denis Brown, White Wolves (week 1)

Casey Hayward, White Wolves (week 1)

Dante Hightower, Eagles (week 2)

Brodrick Bunkley, Avalanche (week 2)

Cody Latimer, Crimson Cascade (week 2)

Derek Carr, Classics (week 2)

Johnathan Banks, Razorbacks (week 2)

Luke Joeckel, Classics (week 3) NEW


Von Kassel Bronze Medal:

Brass van Houten, Razorbacks (week 1)

Robert Alford, Marauders (week 3)

Devin Taylor, Classics (week 3) NEW


Crowd Pleaser Silver Medal:

Dan Marnio, Griffins (week 2)


NB! There is a slightly wrong wording in the original award grant. The Foundation has decided tat the cut-off point is exactly 1200, not below 1200. Thus, no Medals were awarded to the Rangers in the game versus Legion.