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Predictions for week 4

Foxes (1330) vs Patriots (1630) 20/80
Foxes without its quarterbacks hobbles on. Still has lots of quality, but the chance of spectacular scores has lessened, and that is not good news against the reigning superbowl champions who has a full squad available.

Universe (1590) vs Thunderbolts (1210) 70/30
After a 0-2 start Universe took its first victory against a weakend Griffins and have their whole squad ready to go. T-bolts got horribly mangled by the Classics, but still has a lot of quality left. They will have to hope for a max day and a Miyers miracle in order to win, though.

Griffins (1100) vs Classics (1470) 30/70
Griffins had a costly loss against the Universe last round, but still has a lot of quality intact. Classics, resplendent from a draw against the Thunderbolts that killed or retired two T-bolt stars, has even more quality, though, and will probably win out. Griffins are always ready to upset opponent’s plans, though, so Classics need to pay at their best.

Cardinals (1330) vs Unicorns (1340) 40/60
On paper, the teams are quite equal in value, but we expect the more aggressive and no-nonsense playing style of their head coach to win the day for the Unicorns.

49ers (1600) vs Thunder (1300) 75/25
49ers should win this one, as they have a huge advantage in team value. Thunder have had a slow start, but beat the Eagles in week 3, and more important managed to avoid being mangled by the birds of prey. Thunder is not without qualities, though, and if they get on a roll, anything can happen.

Gunners (1400) vs Razorbacks (1370) 60/40
Gunners have done well so far, with two victories and a draw against SuperBowl winner Patriots. Razorbacks have done fantastic, and with three straight wins and 17 casualties so far, they are the current league leaders. Their opponents have not had quite the qualities as Gunner’s opponents have had, though, and they simply cannot continue having such a high conversion rate. We think this might be the end of the Razorbacks winning streak, but the Razorbacks have managed to get much out of little before, and a betting man looking for an upset would be wise to choose the Razorbacks in this match.

Scimitars (1360) vs Sluggers (1060) 80/20
Scimitars lost narrowly to the Gunners last round, and could easily had won. Sluggers are on a downward spiral, losing players and matches alike. They never give up, though, and strongman Jordan is back for the match. Maybe he can make a difference?

River Bandits vs Eagles 4-2

Manticores (1350) vs Bruisers (1210) 55/45
A close match is expected between these two fairly equally matched teams. Manticores have caused a lot of damage so far, but was owerpowered by the Avalanche in the last match, while Bruisers had a hard time fighting against the Grenzburg’chosen. Both teams lack one player, but that will probably not matter much in the end.

Wreckers (1310) vs Buccaneers (1420) 35/65
Buccaneers are favored in this match, despite last rounds draw against the Rangers, where Ramiro Maextu singlehandedly decimated the Bucs and killed both blitzer Emmit Smith and quarterback Bryon Elwyn Coleman. Among others, they can still field two killer blitzers, quarterback Brad Johnson and one-turner Jericho Cotchery, so there is lots of quality left. Wreckers started abysmally with a costly loss against the White Wolves and then another loss to the Wolfskins, but showed their quality in the victory against the Legion last round. It’s not likely to be enough in this game, though.

Avalanche (1490) vs Greenskins (1570) 45/55
A repeat of last season’s Conference final, where Avalanche drew the longest straw. We think Greenskins have learnt from that and will win this time, especially with Avalanche’s strong lineman Williams missing from the game. But Greenskins have no margin of error in this match, as any mstake is likely to be promptly punished by the Avalanche.

Legion vs Rangers 1-2

Grizzlies (1340) vs Crimson Cascade (1230) 55/45
The Grizzlies narrowly lost vs the White Wolves, but acquitted themselves well, and have the whole squad ready for this interdivisional match. Crimson Cascade got their first point last round playing top team Wolfskins with two blitzers missing, and could even have won. They are short star quarterback Inga Dedekind, though, and this could easily be the deciding factor. On the other hand, Cascade has Janine, with 7 cas in the first three matches… No less than 15 players with Mighty Blow could be on the field when the game starts….This match will be a thriller, and most likely a bloody one…

Knights (1320) vs Marauders (1260) 55/45
Another tight match. Knights have two draws and a loss so far, and have lost star quarterback Manziel and star catcher Tim Brown, whereas Marauders are fresh from a victory against the Sharks, but lost their star big guy Schwenke in their first match of the season. The loss of Schwenke could be critical in a fight with the strength-laden Knights.

White Wolves (1380) vs Wolfskins (1320) 60/40
Expected to be the top teams in their respective divisions, both teams made convincing victories in their first two matches. But then, playing SHCN teams I their third match, both teams took a hit. The Wolves got away with a win against the Grizzlies, but lost strong lineman Mike Martin and got newly drafted catcher Wreh-Wilson seriously injured. Wolfskins lost a point but no players, but both blitzer Luke Wilson and lineman Ezekiel Ansah will be missing the match. This favors the White Wolves, but not by much.

Vikings vs Sharks 3-0

Given to you by Viktor Tikhonov, Carroburg Nachrichten