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Team statistics week 14

Here are the accumulated team statistics after week 14:

Team offense (TD’s scored):

Erengrad Vikings (27)

Kislev White Wolves (26)

Wolfenburg Wolfskins (25)

Bilbali Rangers (24)

Brionne Buccaneers (23)

Emsk Red Cardinals (23)

Rotenbach Razorbacks (22)


Team defense (TDs allowed):

Rotenbach Razorbacks (8)

Kislev White Wolves (11)

Middenheim Classics (13)

Grenzburg Greenskins (13)

Broekwater Patriots* (13)

Bilbali Rangers (13)

Wolfsbach Scimitars (13)

Wolfenburg Wolfskins (13)


Casualties made:

Bilbali Rangers (62)

Carroburg Crimson Cascade (52)

Brionne Buccaneers (50)

Broekwater Patriots (50)

Kislev White Wolves (48)


Blocks made:

Kemperbad Knights (763)

Grenzburg Greenskins (696)

Praag Grizzlies (695)

Wolfenburg Wolfskins (688)

Altdorf Thunderbolts (644)

Brionne Buccaneers (632)


Blocks against:

Broekwater Patriots* (437)

Wolfsbach Scimitars (477)

Barboza Bruisers (493)

Hargendorf Unicorns (506)

Marienburg Foxes (511)

Talabheim Sluggers (519)


Block ratio (Blocks for/Blocks against):

Broekwater Patriots (1,34)

Kemperbad Knights (1,29)

Grenzburg Greenskins (1,28)

Brionne Buccaneers (1,18)

Wolfenburg Wolfskins (1,15)


Conversion ratio (player cas made/Blocks made)

Broekwater Patriots (0,084)

Bilbali Rangers (0,079)

Carroburg Crimson Cascade (0,077)

Brionne Buccaneers (0,076)

Kislev White Wolves (0,071)

Fort Solace Griffins (0,064)



Emsk Red Cardinals (1)

Nuln Gunners (1)

Norden Legion (1)

Templehof Thunder (1)

Erengrad Vikings (1)

Wolfenburg Wolfskins (1)

Monte Castello Wreckers (1)


Team fouls:

Bilbali Rangers (75)

Muckenhof Manticores (67)

Talabheim Sluggers (60)

Wolfsbach Scimitars (57)

Rotenbach Razorbacks (50)

Fort Solace Griffins (49)


Team completions:

Kislev White Wolves (34)

Emsk Red Cardinals (31)

Carroburg Crimson Cascade (25)

Talabheim Sluggers (25)

Remas Eagles (24)

Monte Castello Wreckers (23)


Team passing yards:

Emsk Red Cardinals (135)

Talabheim Sluggers (97)

Monte Castello Wreckers (95)

Remas Eagles (82)

Kislev White Wolves (80)

Erengrad Vikings (50)


Team running yards:

Brionne Buccaneers (505)

Bilbali Rangers (502)

Hargendorf Unicorns (476)

Erengrad Vikings (454)

Broekwater Patriots (453)

Nuln Gunners (448)