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Team Spotlight Rotenbach Razorbacks

Team Brief:
Every away fans favourite game if just for the hotdogs, the Rotenbach Razorbacks are a team known just not for the excellent culinary options but for their ability to get results on the field.

Originally the motto of the team was “We play to foul” and with a number hall of famer level dirty players on the team including Dieter Van Kassel winner of the expansion seasons ‘Dirty Boy of the year’ award which was renamed in his honour (the Van Kassel award), now the rhetoric from the team marketing is changing having made the play-offs in 2 of the 4 seasons they are now saying they play to win and a big part of that is their shutout defence play.

Coach Brief:
Specialone has been the sole head coach and manager of the Razorbacks since their inception. He is credited as being a coach that able to bring the most from the least.

The Hawgs are a 50% play-off make attendance since they joined the DLE. Can Specialone buck the current Hawg trend and skip the playoff hangover and go for back to back playoffs? Maybe even a Superbowl appearance? The season so far much like the Hawgs play-off attendances is 50-50 1/0/1 although their are some that think they could of drawn the first game versus the current Suberb Owl champs, the Patriots.

Media Brief: Robbert Graff
Now noone is sure if Robbert Graff is an actual person or part of Specialones multiple personailty disorder or just a team spy disguised as a reporter but it is known that he often turns up at the Hawgs next opponents team practise, interviews various coaching staff and players and then the Hawgs turn up and claim a victory…

Draft Brief:
The Hawgs didn’t have a huge amount of draft capital, nor did they have any massive holes in their roster so the draft was pretty quiet for them. Alec Ogletree was sold to the Manticores to give some picks and the Hawgs took sturdy reliable players that like their coach and current roster put the team before themselves.

Specialone admits though that maybe he over estimated the price on the blitzer Doc Holliday, however for a team that shuts out so many offences maybe he’s the player they needed to shut out teams and win a Superb Owl, only time will tell.

Andrus Peat Lineman Block/Guard/Tackle/StandFirm
Marcus Hardison Lineman Block/Tackle
Chad James lineman Wrestle
John Henry ‘Doc’ Holliday blitzer Dodge/Tackle/DivingTackle

Alec Ogletree Frenzy, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +MA