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Team Spotlight: San Luis 49’ers

Team Brief:
The team preseason that Barring* any major incidents this was the team with the capability to topple the mighty Patriots in most peoples minds – So much so that the Arc rating had them at No. 2.

Well what a difference Nuffle’s whim and a single game makes. The death of Alshon Jeffrey and Frank Nunley both stalwarts of the team, Dave Wilcox out of the next game and Ryan Mallet retired, the Champions elect no longer look that way.

Can replacement coach GotrekSlayer turn the team around?

There are still plenty of stars in the team not least the biggest ogre ever seen in DLE in the form of hulking but boneheaded prone Leo, Joe Montana (no not the Unicorn’s Joey Montana whose pushing up daisies but a proper Doper Joe!) and upcoming starlet Leon Sandcastle.

Coach Brief:
Brand new to DLE GotrekSlayer is a mescual loving beer swigging Mexican, with a propensity for hi-jinks and high risk plays.

Draft 6 Brief:
The 49’ers drafted 4 players including a new ogre but it turns out that this was only for Leo to hit (rumours that Leo actually ate Tyrus are vigriously denied by the 49’ers media department (and lets face it they’re experts at denials considering all the other accusations against this franchise).

1 Bradley Pinion Lineman +AV/Kick
2 Tyrus Thompson Ogre Block/Grab
3 B. J. Dubose Lineman Block/MightyBlow
4 Abraham DeLacey lineman +AV/Wrestle/Tackle

Bradley, B.J. and Abraham seem to have settled into the team quite nicely but maybe they’re not yet on the inner circle seeing as no allegations of doping have yet been made against them. Then again they may not tbe future stars but workhorse of the team to allow the stars to shine.

* Frank Nunley turn 6 gives this reporter flashbacks