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Team statistics – week 5 update

Here are the accumulated team statistics after week 5 of Season 6:

Team offense (TD’s scored):

Broekwater Patriots (12)

Talabheim Sluggers (12)

Kislev White Wolves (11)

Barboza Bruisers (9)

Praag Grizzlies (9)


Team defense (TDs allowed):

Rotenbach Razorbacks (2)

Kislev White Wolves (2)

Marienburg Foxes (3)

Praag Geizzlies (4)

Bilbali Rangers (4)


Casualties made:

Middenheim Classics (25)

Broekwater Patriots (25)

Grenzburg Greenskins (20)

Brionne Buccaneers (19)

Altdorf Thunderbolts (19)

Barboza Bruisers (18)


Blocks made:

Broekwater Patriots (272)

Grenzburg Greenskins (255)

Erengrad Vikings (254)

Monte Castello Wreckers (252)

Bilbali Rangers (245)

Kemperbad Knights (242)


Blocks against:

Hargendorf Unicorns (143)

Barboza Bruisers (148)

Middenheim Classics (170)

Talabheim Sluggers (170)

Brionne Buccaneers (171)

Remas Eagles (174)


Block ratio (Blocks for/Blocks against):

Broekwater Patriots (1,52)

Barboza Bruisers (1,37)

Brionne Buccaneers (1,32)

Monte Castello Wreckers (1,30)

Grenzburg Greenskins (1,29)

Talabheim Sluggers (1,27)


Conversion ratio (player cas made/Blocks made)

Middenheim Classics (0,114)

Broekwater Patriots (0,088)

Barboza Bruisers (0,084)

Altdorf Thunderbolts (0,083)

Remas Eagles (0,082)

Brionne Buccaneers (0,080)



Emsk Red Cardinals (2)

Los Cabos Marauders (1)


Team fouls:

Rotenbach Razorbacks (29)

Bilbali Rangers (28)

Great Ogham Griffins (27)

Hargendorf Unicorns (27)

Carroburg Crimson Cascade (21)

Muckenhof Manticores (21)


Team completions:

Great Ogham Griffins (11)

Talabheim Sluggers (11)

Kislev White Wolves (11)

Monte Castello Wreckers (10)

Brionne Buccaneers (9)

Emsk Red Cardinals (9)


Team passing yards:

Emsk Red Cardinals (51)

Kislev White Wolves (49)

Monte Castello Wreckers (45)

Great Ogham Griffins (27)

Talabheim Sluggers (21)

Irrana Avalanche (20)


Team running yards:

Broekwater Patriots (230)

Barboza Bruisers (180)

Talabheim Sluggers (179)

Marienburg Foxes (171)

Bilbali Rangers (166)

Grenzburg Greenskins (163)