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The chosen ones – part 4

YOUR CORRESPONDENT SETS OFF from Nuln, our ultimate goal south, as south as the DLE goes, but to do that, perversley we must head north to where the number one pick of draft 6 calls home. Luckily we can once again follow the Reik all the way.

AS WE PASS THE last of the great forest, the trees give way to the foetid swamps of the “Cursed Marshes”. Our destination rises high above this depressing land. We check our pockets to make sure we have our per diem money, for it is said to be a crime to be poor in the city state of Marienburg. We sail into Marienburg’s famous harbour and see the glorious Merchant Navy Field in the Guilderveld District. It is obvious no expense has been spared for the home of the Marienburg Foxes.

WE ARE HERE TO speak to club insiders about a “what if” in the foxes history. The scene was set for draft 5 and the Foxes did not disappoint, the expected annoucment was made and Terrence Scott became the third Blitzer to be taken number one overall.

SCOTT WAS EVERTYTHING A number one should be. He was as strong and agile as Arnold Miyers, but hit harder and had an unnerving ability to pickpoct the ball from the opposition. Despite these gifts something did not click for Scott in the pros. Conventional wisdom presumes the pressure and burden of being the number one pick was too much for Scott (though some have speculated wildley about the involvement of Marienburg’s League of Gentleman Entrepreneurs).

WHATEVER THE RESEASON SCOTT, amassed only 9 spp in his career, caused only 3 CAS and scored 1 TD on 47 yards rushing. The Hargendorf Unicorns, would cut short his career, when he was killed by a piling on “Rumble” Ronnie Coleman. The hit was so severe that not even the apo could save Scott (though again even here there are rumours of the League of Gentleman’s involvment).

UNDERSTANDABLY, NONE OF THE Foxes’ staff wanted to talk to us on the record about this painful period of history, so we booked passage for Estalia to complete our round up of number one picks.