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DA awards season 8 – week 2 update

Good News! The Count for week 1 was adjusted upwards to 890tv, which means we were 10tv Ahead of, instead of behind last season.  Even better, week 2 brought a 1230tv loss, 230 above last Seasons week 2, and only 40tv behind the record for a week, 1270tv in week 12 of season 7. Excellent work! We also have 6 new Medal winners.  Two of these won the Dietmar Althoff Bronze Medal; Blair Martell of the Gunners and Mason Taylor off the Foxes. None of these two had a Medal from before, but Taylor will get his Medal post-humously, as he was killed himself later in the same match. There are also two DA Silver Medals, one for Gerald McCoy of the Gunners and the other for Michael Liedtke of the Buccaneers. Both of these are veteran POMB-ers, but were Liedtke has no Medal from before, McCoy has the DA Bronze Medal with Crossed Swords! The Fifth Medal is a Dietmar Althoff Platinum Medal awarded to Najee Goode of the Crimson Cascade. Ramiro Maextu of the Rangers holds the other Platinum Medal ever to be handed out, so this is a rare event indeed. Finally, we award a Von Kassel Bronze Medal to Cadell Osman of the Foxes. He had a VK Silver Medal from before. Congratulations!

Two former Medal Holders has left us in week 2. Sean Porter of the Classics held a DA Silver Medal and Ted McElroy of the Vikings held a VK Silver Medal. Dietmar Althoff Platinum Medal: Najee Goode, Crimson Cascade (New) Dietmar Althoff Silver Medal: Michael Liedtke, Buccaneers (New); Gerald McCoy, Gunners (New); Jonny Jones, Razorbacks   Dietmar Althoff Bronze Medal: Blair Martell, Gunners (New); Trey Ceratap, Legion; Yoshi Miyamoto, Legion; Slugg jr., Sluggers   Von Kassel Silver Medal: Rashard Robinson, 49ers  Von Kassel Bronze Medal: Cadell Osman, Foxes (New)  Earlier recipients still active: Dietmar Althoff Platinum Medal: Ramiro Maextu, Rangers   Dietmar Althoff Gold Medal: Jose Chavez, Cardinals; Rob Havenstein, Classics; Bish “The Bash” Bosh”, Knights; Vincent Jonckers, Rangers; Matt Kalil, Unicorns;    Dietmar Althoff Silver Medal: B.J.Dubose, 49ers; Broderick Bunkley, Avalanche; Khalil Mack, Classics (With crossed maces); Will Moreland, Classics; Nadja Kümmel, Crimson Cascade; M’Grash K’Trag, Foxes; Jack Pardee, Foxes; Booker T, Foxes; Siffridus Draken, Grizzlies; Konstantinos Laskarides, Grizzlies; Bish “The Bash” Bosh, Knights; Kendall Reyes, Patriots; Jason Taylor, Patriots; Ramiro Maextu, Rangers; Vincent Jonckers, Rangers (With Crossed Maces); Juqua Parker, Sluggers; Ronnie “Nott” Lott, Thunderbolts; Lane Johnson, Thunderbolts; Ronnie Coleman, Unicorns (With Crossed Maces); Brian Newton, Universe (With Crossed Maces); Harry Bellower, Vikings; David Brown, Vikings; Asnnel Robo, White Wolves; Albert Hudson, Wolfskins; Christian Sam, Wolfskins   Dietmar Althoff Bronze Medal: A.J.Derby, 49ers; Dave Wilcox, 49ers; Broderick Bunkley, Avalanche; Arthur Dent, Avalanche; Bruce Irvin, Avalanche; Jevon Kearse, Avalanche; Darius Fleming, Bruisers (With crossed Maces); Khalil Mack, Classics; Will Moreland, Classics; Nadja Kümmel, Crimson Cascade; Derek Wolfe, Crimson Cascade; Jack Pardee, Foxes; Shane Ray, Greenskins; Whitney Mercilious, Griffins; Siffridus Draken, Grizzlies (With crossed Maces); Barry Little, Gunners; Gerald McCoy, Gunners (With Crossed Swords); Michael MB Brockers, Knights; Kony Ealy, Knights; Laken Tomlinson, Marauders; Chad Clifton, Patriots; Kendall Reyes, Patriots (with crossed maces); Emmit Smith, Patriots; Jason Taylor, Patriots (with Crossed Maces); Mick Kabluski, Rangers (With Crossed Maces); Ramiro Maextu, Rangers (With Crossed Swords); Geno Smith, Rangers; Sir Gaston Mouffet, Rangers; Andrus Peat, Razorbacks; Chance Warmack, Razorbacks; Jerome Bourdoncle, River Bandits; Newton Brown, Scimitars; Travis Frederick, Scimitars; Luke Joeckel, Scimitars; Tim Langer, Scimitars; Harry McBain, Scimitars; Akeem Spence, Scimitars; Mykkele Thompson, Scimitars; Ezekiel Ansah, Sluggers; Andrew Luck, Thunder; Lane Jonson, Thunderbolts; Ronnie “Nott” Lott, Thunderbolts; Brandon Scherff, Thunderbolts (With Crossed Maces); Ronnie “Rumble” Colemon, Unicorns; Todd Nathanson, Universe; Harry Bellower, Vikings (With Crossed Maces); Denis Brown, White Wolves (With Crossed Swords); Duke Waagshinton, White Wolves  Von Kassel Gold Medal: Andrew Luck, Thunder   Von Kassel Silver Medal: Matt Forte, Classics (With Crossed Maces); Cadell Osmann, Foxes; Tony Steward, Grizzlies; Brane Zidina, Patriots; Mamadou Diamerra, Rangers; Brut de Feuer, Razorbacks; Logan Mankins, White Wolves   Von Kassel Bronze Medal: Ann-Katrin Lexer, Crimson Cascade (With Crossed Swords); Tyler Lockett, Wolfskins   Crowd Pleaser Silver Medal: Dan Marino, Eagles; Ramiro Maextu, Rangers; Matt Kalil, Unicorns   Crowd Pleaser Bronze Medal: Kony Ealy, Knights; Chad Clifton, Patriots