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Player statistics season 9 – week 4 update

Do you want to buy the top performers? Or make sure you don’t sell one of them? Here is THE LIST! trade is still possible, for most of these…! Enjoy! (Next update at midseason)

Top killers (Best cas ratio, min 75 Blocks)

No player has 75 blocks


Top scorer (most TD)

  1. Karl Joseph, Cardinals (7)
  2. Bron Jacobs, Vikings (5)
  3. Uziel Gal, Classics (5)
  4. Jalen Ramsey, Sharks (4)
  5. Louis Murphy, Bandits (4)


Top passer (Passing Yards/Completions, min. 10 completions)

No passer has 10 completions.


Top runner (most rushing yards)

  1. Brett Hundley, Scimitars (93)
  2. Leopold Berger, Marauders (88)
  3. Uziel Gal, Classics (88)
  4. Blake “The Boss” Bortles, Patriots (83)
  5. Art Monk, Greenskins (82)
  6. Ken Stabler, Unicorns (72)


Dirtiest player (most fouls)

  1. George Coe, Sharks (17)
  2. Chubby Grigg, Manticores (16)
  3. Robert Aguayo, Knights (14)
  4. Ann-Katrin Lexer, Crimson Cascade (13)
  5. Warren Graham, Cardinals (12)
  6. George Ford, Bandits (12)
  7. Tom Goblin, Patriots (12)


Top blocker (most Blocks)

  1. Jerrey Riggs, Wreckers (51)
  2. Christine Michael, Knights (49)
  3. Najee Goode, Crimson Cascade (45)
  4. Leonard “BD” Williams, Unicorns (44)
  5. Bruce Irvin, Avalanche (37)
  6. Jean-Amour Fazer, Thunder (36)


Ironman (most turns)

  1. Micha “Daddy” Muller, Buccaneers (67)
  2. Don Murocco, Buccaneers (67)
  3. Brad “J-Man” Johnson, Buccaneers (67)
  4. Andre Asdoria, Buccaneers (67)
  5. Ryan Calagham, Griffins (66)


Most spp (spp/turns, min 100 turns)

No one has 100 turns


Crowd Favourite (most MVPs)

No player has 3MVPs.


Allrounder (min 1 set each of cas+TD+comp)

  1. Fred Bruschi, Wolfskins (1 set)
  2. Shilique Calhoun, Rangers (1 set)
  3. Joey Bosa, Marauders (1 set)
  4. Deiondre Hall, Marauders (1 set)
  5. Ray “Sugar” Lewis, Thunderbolts (1 set)
  6. Willie Heinz, Patriots (1 set)
  7. Uziel Gal, Classics (1 set)