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BLITZ! Round up – Brutal few days in DLE!

A speight of deaths and injuries in this week’s matches in the DLE.

Altdorf saw the begining, with the loss of Blitzer Tavon Wilson and then a serious concussion cuts short the career of Altdorf star Ogre, Moses Malone

Blitz! is pleased to hear that Malone is joining the Coaching staff at the T’Bolts.

Over in Nuln in a hard fought victory, the Gunners lost Lineman Chandler Jones and Matt Spaeth who already had a smashed hip, broke his neck.

The poor Reman fans were stunned following their match against the River Bandits, 4 SI’s including a concussion for catcher JJ Wilcox and the death of Draftee Ogre, Brandon Williams

Finally, flags at half-mast in Kislev following the death of Lineman Mike Martin against Praag Grizzlies.

Martin had lead something of a charmed life, the Kislev Apo, saving him in the past from death, from -MA and -AV. Unfortunately this time, the Apo was AWOL, having already saved Denis Brown from serious injury earlier in the game.

Two games left in round 3 an Blitz! will have you covered when they are played!