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Season 14 SoS Games Leaders

Written and Edited by: Robert Jäger, Reporter for DIE FAUSCHLAG NACHRICTEN

With the Strength of Schedule games behind us, let’s look at which teams lead in certain stats and which one are behind on certain aspects of the game. In this article, we will list the three teams (or more if there is a lot of teams tied) that lead that category as well as the three teams (again, or more based on ties) that trailed in that category. In some categories there will be two “Bottom 3” lists, one for overall, and one only taking into account teams that have played all three games without a forfeit.

SPP Earned

Top 3

  1. Vikings at 62 SPP
  2. Bruisers at 58 SPP
  3. Marauders at 50 SPP

(Combined Record: 5-3-1)

Bottom 3

  1. Razorbacks at 17 SPP
  2. Foxes at 28 SPP
  3. Cardinals at 30 SPP

(Combined Record 4-3-2)

Bottom 3, No Forfeits

(Minimum 3 Games Played)

  1. Knights at 31 SPP
  2. Greenskins at 32 SPP
  3. Patriots/Universe Tied at 33 SPP

(Combined Record 1-4-7)


Top 3

  1. Vikings at 8 TDs
  2. Marauders & Legion Tied for 6 TDs

(Combined Record: 5-4-0)
Scoring TDs means you don’t lose games. Shocker.

Bottom 3

  1. Razorbacks, Foxes, Knights, and Grizzles Tied at 2 TDs.

(Combined Record 5-1-6)
(2 of those Wins are Forfeit Victories)

Bottom 3, No Forfeits

(Minimum 3 Games Played)

  1. Knights and Grizzlies Tied at 2 TDs
  2. Greenskins, CCC, White Wolves, Thunderbolts, and Avalanche Tied for 3 TDs

(Combined Record 3-5-13)
Three wins across seven teams. Yikes.


Top 3

  1. Bruisers with 13 Casualties
  2. Eagles with 11 Casualties
  3. Avalanche with 10 Casualties

(Combined Record 4/2/3)

Bottom 3

  1. Razorbacks with 0 Casualties
  2. Universe and Patriots Tied with 1 Casualty

(Combined Record 2/3/4)

Bottom 3, No Forfeits

(Minimum 3 Games Played)

  1. Universe and Patriots Tied with 1 Casualty
  2. River Bandits with 2 Casualties

(Combined Record 2/2/5)


Top 3

  1. Thunderbolts with 11 Completions
  2. Gunners with 7 Completions
  3. CCC with 6 Completions

(Combined Record 2-3-4)

Bottom 3

  1. Greenskins, Foxes, and Eagles Tied with 0 Completions

(Combined Record 3-4-2)

Passing Yards

Top 3

  1. Marauders with 29 Yards
  2. Thunderbolts with 28 Yards
  3. Patriots with 26 Yards

(Combined Record 2-3-4)
Aggressive Passing teams seem to struggle.

Bottom 3

  1. Legion with -2 Yards
  2. Razorbacks with -1 Yards
  3. Greenskins, Foxes, and Eagles with 0 Yards

(Combined Record 8-8-2)
Teams that don’t extend their passes (or don’t pass at all) are doing fine.

Rushing Yards

Top 3

  1. Vikings with 149 Yards
  2. Classics with 132 Yards
  3. Wreckers with 125 Yards

(Combined Record of 4-3-2)

Bottom 3

  1. Foxes with 23 Yards
  2. Grizzlies with 56 Yards
  3. Cardinals with 59 Yards

(Combined Record 2-2-5)

Bottom 3, No Forfeits

(Minimum 3 Games Played)

  1. Grizzlies with 56 Yards
  2. Patriots with 65 Yards
  3. Greenskins with 72 Yards

(Combined Record 0-2-7)
If you can’t move the ball on the ground, you’re not going to win it seems.


Top 3

  1. Eagles with 166 Blocks
  2. Manticores and Greenskins Tied with 162 Blocks

(Combined Record 3-5-1)

Bottom 3

  1. Thunder with 58 Blocks
  2. Foxes with 76 Blocks
  3. Cardinals with 86 Blocks

(Combined Record 3-3-3)

Bottom 3, No Forfeits

(Minimum 3 Games Played)

  1. 49ers with 113 Blocks
  2. Universe, Unicorns, and Rangers Tied with 115 Blocks

(Combined Record 1-6-5)
Either failing to block means you don’t win a lot, or not winning means you don’t get to block a lot.


Top 3

  1. Sharks with 26 Fouls
  2. White Wolves with 21 Fouls
  3. Legion with 20 Fouls

(Combined Record 3-4-2)

Bottom 3

  1. Manticores with 0 Fouls
  2. Patriots and Greenskins Tied with 1 Foul

(Combined Record 2-3-3)
All teams who played only 2 games committed more fouls.

Other Interesting Stats

  • Only counting casualties, the Bruisers have three kills across three games with a Game to Kill ratio of 1:1.
  • Meanwhile the Avalanche, the Bruisers divisional rival, have the most casualties with no kills at 10.
  • The two teams tied for most Blocks, the Manticores and Greenskins, both have failed to kill any player yet from casualties.
  • The Classics are the only team currently with an Interception.
  • Despite having zero casualties caused, the Razorbacks are currently 2-1-0, with a forfeit win.
  • The Thunderbolts had to work hardest for their Touchdowns so far, needing an average of 39.667 Passing and Rushing Yards to score.
  • On the other side, the Foxes have found it easier to score, only needing 11.5 yards per Touchdown. All two of them.
  • And if we remove two game teams from the equation, it is instead the Bruisers who have had the least amount of total yards to score, averaging 18.4 yards per touchdown.
  • The Patriots have had the most aggressive Passing game, averaging 6.5 Passing Yard per completion.
  • The 49ers are the only team whose team name doesn’t start with a letter.
  • Teams with three words in their name went 5-12-7 for a win percentage of 45.833%.
  • Teams with two works in their name have played slightly better at 26-22-24 for a win percentage of 51.388%