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Posts published in “Interviews”

Interview with Coach Dieuraskel

Your correspondent relaxes as his boat sails gently up-river towards its destination. A meeting with one of the newest coaches in the league awaits him.…

A telling of the DLE – Part 1

The journey from Barak Varr had been so far uneventful. As befitting his guest of honour status, he had been afforded passage on the maiden…

A flying visit to Broekwater

Your correspondent steps off the “Air Kraft” and looks around. Ahead of me is the imposing ”High Tide” stadium , home of the Broekwater Patriots.…

Hospitality in Rotenbach

The Coliseum looms large as your correspondent enters Rotenbach, in the state of Wissenland, home of the league leading Rotenbach Razorbacks. DFN is welcomed to…